
Workfin, an organisation dedicated to enhancing workflows, processes, and software solutions for dentists companies, sought to expand its digital presence and showcase its services and products to a broader audience. Recognising the need for a professional and engaging online platform, Workfin partnered with 94 Agency to develop a custom-built Webflow website to showcase their offering. This case study underscores 94 Agency’s expertise in website development and highlights the collaborative effort that resulted in a website Workfin can be proud of.

  • Website created using Webflow
  • Content Optimisations (SEO)
  • Google Tools Optimisation
  • Mobile Views & Responsiveness

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Take a look at some of the work we did for Workfin

Working collaboratively to achieve desired outcomes.


1. Digital Presence Enhancement: Workfin needed a website that not only served as an online brochure but also effectively conveyed their unique approach to improving financial workflows.

2. Custom Features: The website required custom-built features to showcase Workfin’s proprietary software solutions and the results they’ve achieved for clients.

3. User Engagement: Engaging prospective clients and keeping them on the site to explore services and case studies was essential.

4. Responsive Design: The website needed to be fully responsive, ensuring an optimal user experience on various devices and screen sizes.


Solution: 94 Agency devised a comprehensive strategy to address Workfin’s challenges:

1. Custom Webflow Development: The agency created a tailor-made website on the Webflow platform, enabling a flexible and visually impressive design.

2. Content Strategy: Collaborating closely with Workfin, 94 Agency developed a content strategy that highlighted the client’s services, products, and case studies, providing valuable information to site visitors.

3. Interactive Elements: The website incorporated interactive elements, such as dynamic animations, custom contact forms, and downloadable resources, to engage users and encourage inquiries.

4. User Experience (UX) Optimisation: A user-centric design approach ensured that visitors could easily navigate the site, find information, and explore Workfin’s services and software solutions.


Results: The collaboration between Workfin and 94 Agency yielded significant results:

1. Professional Online Presence: The custom Webflow website provided Workfin with a polished and professional online platform that showcased their expertise effectively.

2. Increased Engagement: Interactive elements and engaging content contributed to longer user sessions and higher engagement rates.

3. Lead Generation: Custom contact forms and clear calls to action facilitated lead generation, resulting in increased inquiries and potential clients.

4. Mobile Responsiveness: The fully responsive design ensured that the website performed seamlessly on various devices, expanding Workfin’s reach.


On-going partnership

The partnership between Workfin and 94 Agency exemplifies how a well-executed website can elevate a business’s online presence and drive engagement. By leveraging our expertise in custom Webflow development and by taking a collaborative approach with the client, 94 Agency successfully created a website that not only met but exceeded Workfin’s goals. This case study showcases 94 Agency as an expert in website development and highlights their commitment to delivering outstanding digital solutions for their clients.


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